According to Sunday World, the Forbes family was tasked with packing the belongings of their late son, Kiernan, also known as AKA, from the house he resided in. Contrary to popular belief, it was revealed that the rapper did not own the house, but rather rented it from the landlord, Nthsimane Mekoa, in Bryanston. The house, valued at R4 million, was rented at a monthly rate of R40,000.
Despite assumptions that AKA owned the property due to the luxurious vehicles he drove, a close ally confirmed that it was a rented residence. Presently, a new tenant occupies the house, while AKA’s possessions are stored elsewhere.
Mekoa refuted claims of evicting the deceased rapper from the premises. He clarified that since AKA had passed away, the apartment was vacant, necessitating the arrival of a new occupant. Additionally, Mekoa declined to provide information about the lease agreement, citing its private nature and emphasizing that it was solely between himself and AKA.
In summary, AKA, the late rapper, was a tenant in a rented house owned by Nthsimane Mekoa. Following AKA’s passing, a new tenant moved in, and AKA’s belongings were placed in storage. The details of the lease agreement between AKA and Mekoa remain undisclosed as a private matter.
The post AKA’s Landlord Reportedly Asks Family to Remove Furniture appeared first on Harare Live.
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